Voice Cellular Coverage:
Spotty, may not work at all
Data Cellular Coverage:
Spotty, may not work at all
Cellular Provider:
APRS Coverage:
Good digi echos You can access Meridian Mountain if you purchase a Weyerhaeuser permit You will need the “Longview – St Helens” one. The permit is valid for a year and gets you a map that you can load into an app on your phone as well as a key to the Recreation Access Gates. Take I5 N to exit 42, then Ostrander Road to Rec Permit Access Gate 010. Take Road 010 to Road 049 to summit. The AZ is off the road, the true summit is densely treed. Summit pic on SOTA Atlas.
You can do a big loop and activate Meridian, Wolf Pt, 2060 and Baird, then exit Rec Permit gate 1600 and take Rose Valley Road back to I5.